Verte Creative has been producing livestreams for digital theatre and art as whole.
We want to help you produce work easier and in better quality.
When sharing content with online audiences there are three things to consider.
| The Main Dish |
| The Sides |
| The Plate |
Read on to find out more about delivering your show to audiences!
The Plate:
From You to your Audience
Social Media PlatformsVerte Creative livestreams on a daily basis to all social media platforms, and usually to 2 or 3 simultaneously.
If you've never touched a "Go Live" button before there's nothing to worry about, we'll take the reigns and be by your side every step of the way from scheduling the livestream to watching the credits roll. |
Video conference callsIn the last years the arts have turned to video-conferencing, we're here to refine the experience for your audience and ease the stress of virtual stage managing.
Zoom, Google Meets, Go-To Meeting, and more are all in our portfolio of streaming destinations. With our suite of tools you don't have to make any compromises in adapting your show for a video-conferencing forum. In our set-up performers don't also have to be stage-managers. We can "enter" and "exit" performers as needed, integrate sound and video cues in the highest quality, and bookend the show with music and advertising. |
Private Watch-PagesWe've gone one step further in augmenting the livestreaming experience by designing a model that puts quality and privacy at the forefront. allows you to customize your viewer page to include not only the video stream, but a live chat room, TypeForms, ads and graphics, or any other content you wish to feature. For example, if you're showcasing a live virtual performance and are concerned about audience interference on Zoom, Verte Creative can stream your performance straight to a Streamy.Cloud page. Behind the scenes, you'll have access to the live-chat where you can see and respond to audience comments; great for Q&A events. Streamy.Cloud provides private watch-pages to host your livestream for your audience. It boasts some of the highest-quality streaming anywhere on the web, is invisible to the general public, and never tracks your audience. Hit the button below to learn more. |